
Food safety与food security的区别

Food safety

The discipline of food safety deals with the proper handling, preparation, and storage of food with the goal of preventing foodborne illness. The heading of food safety also includes food defense, which is the protection of our food supply from criminal or terrorist interference.

Food safety与食品的处理、准备与存储有关,目的是防止食源性疾病,但也同样包括食品防御,也就是保护食品供给免受罪犯活动或恐怖主义干扰。


FoodSafety.gov – A U.S. federal government site that contains recall information, food poisoning basics, and tips on how to keep your food safe.

Food Safety News – A robust online newspaper covering the latest news and views from the food safety beat.

Food security

Food security is more closely aligned with what you may think of when you hear the word “hunger.” If you or your household are food secure, you have a consistent, adequate supply of safe and nutritious food for an active lifestyle. If you are food insecure, then you have a limited or uncertain ability to acquire the food you need to be healthy and active.

Food security与食品充足性有关,如果你拥有food security,则代表你拥有充足的健康营养食品,可以保证积极的生活方式。

Food security is generally seen as having four dimensions:

Availability – Adequate supply of foodstuffs to meet the population’s needs

Access – Ability to purchase/acquire food when needed

Utilization – Knowledge of how to prepare and consume food to enhance nutrition and reduce food safety risk

Stability – Consistency of the other three dimensions over time

通常Food security包括四个维度,足够的食品、购买或获得食物的能力、处理和食用食物的知识、前三个维度的稳定性。

food safety和food security的关系

So how are food safety and food security related? You can’t have true food security without food safety – after all, contaminated or unsafe food is certainly not adequate for a healthy and active lifestyle free from hunger. Poor food safety measures can affect the availability of food, since spoiled/unsafe foods should be removed from the supply chain.

food safety和food security的关系:没有food safety,就无法实现food security。这是因为没有安全的食品,就无法消除饥饿,并实现健康、积极的生活方式。

英文说明来自The Basics: Food Safety vs Food Security(https://juliemac.net/2013/12/06/the-basics-food-safety-vs-food-security/)

